VERNIN D'AIGREPONT Family Blason ©compilation byEvelyn Daigrepont Bierniat Do not remove anything from my website without my permission. The following drawing was sent to me for Christophe Desportes, d'Orleans, from France with this note:
Sent: Saturday, July 16, 2000 1:36 AM Note: Any VERNIN (Daigrepont) family that would like to order the 8x10 BLASON professional print with the Vernin d'Aigrepont name written underneath... can contact me at:
Arnaud BUNEL Héraldique européenne - 'Heraldique europeene'
Arnaud BUNEL writes 5/17/99:
"FEUILLE D'AULNE" = Break into Leaf of Alder (alnus rugosa) " Vernos, aulne gave the common noun Alder and a very great number of toponyms: to see chart p. 56. this chart shows that, in the final analysis, the guardian tree of Gallic was the alder, and not the oak. Why so much of places of dwelling indicated by the name of this tree? Let us think of our ancestors seeking, in this Gaule covered with forests, of the sites discovered and offering water resources. These found sites a foid, they settled there. However which is the tree which pushes readily in this type of place? The alder precisely." Place names of Languedoc by Paul Fabre, Bonneton Editions:
Here Verne, Vernhes, Duverne... and, more in the south, the
Alder, Lavergne so current in South-west and the Limousin. In group,
it gives the " vernaies ",..." Verne means alder (Gallic word), this
tree which furnishes, with the willows, the edges of our rivers and
which, very tight and wet, constituted ideal food of the furnaces of
bakers, plasterers and brick-makers, formerly, which called besides it
the wood of boulange... In its Armorial hones Blanche raised: 38
armorial bearings of families (suivent from which the name is derived
from alder!!" I received the blason drawing by e-mail from Jean-Paul DENISE. He is working for the "Centre Genealogique de la Marne", which is a genealogical center for the French department "La Marne". VERNIN, VERNIN d'ORIGNY et VERNIN d'AIGREPONT. BOURBONNAIS. Armes : " Écartelé: aux 1 et 4, d'azur à la croix potencée d'or, cantonnée de quatre croisettes du même ; aux 2 et 3, d'argent à la feuille d'aulne. " (Armorial Général du Bourbonnais.) VERNIN d’AlGREPONT en Bourbon nais Famille éteinte ARMES : Écartelé : aux 1 et 4, d'azur à l a croix potencée d'or, cantonnée de 4 croisettes du même ; aux 2 et 3, d'argent à la feuille. Couronne de COMTE. Supports : deux lions. Mr DELAVENNE, in the description of the heraldry indicates a leaf of aulne, in giving as references the general Armorial of the Bourbonnais. Mr count of SOULTRAIT, in Armorial of the Bourbonnais, indicates the leaf of oak of sinople. Any additions to the blason is called Achievements. In the above description it states that the blason is supported by two lions with a crown above the blason. Supports can be lions, eagle, griffins, unicorns, knights, angels. ~i~ Eve notes III: I received an 1871 drawing of the blason of the Viscount of Origny and of Maillé, 5-18-99.